United Insurance Agency, Serving New York Since 1890

As an independent insurance agency, United writes policies through top regional and national insurance carriers. Thus, we are able to provide individuals and organizations with solutions tailored to their specific needs and goals. From our office in Amherst, New York, we serve clients throughout the region.

Personal and Commercial Insurance Solutions

Personal insurance, including auto, home, personal property and personal liability (umbrella) insurance

Commercial insurance, including general liability, workers compensation, property and vehicle insurance, bonds, and services specifically tailored to the needs of hunting and gun clubs

Health and life insurance, including individual policies and group plans, Medicare supplements and disability insurance

Long-Range Insurance Planning

At United Insurance Agency, your agent will carefully evaluate your current situation and regularly review your coverage to ensure it meets your personal and financial goals. Our relationships with a number of insurance carriers allow us to offer you competitive rates from companies with excellent service ratings. At any time you have a question, need assistance with a claim or would like an insurance quote, contact our Amherst office.

Serving Families, Individuals and Businesses Throughout New York

From our Amherst office, United Insurance Agency serves individuals and organizations in communities including Buffalo, Rochester, West Seneca, Niagara County, Lancaster, Hamburg, Clarence, Kenmore, Tonawanda, North Tonawanda and Cheektowaga.

Contact our New York agency online or call 716-632-6118 to request an insurance quote or schedule a meeting with an agent.

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